6 ways to optimize your digital marketing spend

6 ways to optimize digital marketing spend

6 Ways to optimize your digital marketing spend You know, Benjamin Franklin once said, “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.” And that’s exactly what we’re going to address. By learning and implementing these six things, you’ll not only stretch your advertising euros but also catapult your online presence to […]

Why content holds the key to marketing automation effectiveness

why content holds the key to automation succes

Why content holds the key to marketing automation success In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, automation marvelously streamlines the process. The benefits of marketing automation are undeniable: it save tons of precious time and resources while opening up an avenue for tremendous growth. However, its success would be impossible without a vital component—the content […]

Hubspot automation flows you need to implement today

Hubspot workflows you need to implement today

8 Hubspot automation flows you need to implement today As technology continues to advance, businesses are finding new ways to automate their processes and become more efficient. Automation can help companies save tons of time, reduce costs and increase productivity, not just in marketing but also in sales and services. On top of that, automation […]

5 steps to implement a pillar content strategy

How do you implement a pillar content strategy

5 steps to implement a pillar content strategy Content marketing is a key component of any successful digital marketing strategy. But creating engaging and effective content is not that easy. With so much noise online, it can be a tough challenge to cut through the clutter and get your audience’s attention. This is where a […]

The importance of user adoption in a CRM platform

The importance of user adoption in a CRM platform

The importance of user adoption in a CRM platform These days, everyone seems to be constantly on the lookout for the newest tools. It’s as if your company can only survive if it jumps on every new thing in marketing every single time. And though we do encourage innovation, and even though the world is […]

Marketing automation saves you money, and here’s why

how marketing automation saves money for your organization

How marketing automation helps your business save money Any organization looking to grow will need to spend money sooner or later to make that happen. Think about buying computers for your staff, renting office space, leasing vehicles. Or have an agency build a decent website, develop your brand or run powerful campaigns. We encounter a […]

What is the dark funnel, and why should you care?

What is the dark funnel

What is the dark funnel and why should you care? If you are in marketing or sales, you surely have heard about the funnel. O, how we love the funnel! Everything we do in marketing or sales, we do inside that funnel, and we measure in that funnel. And we love marketing so much because […]

How does content help your business grow

How does content help your business grow

How content helps you grow your business Did you know that businesses that actively blog get 67% more leads than those who don’t? And that almost half of all buyers consume 3 tot 5 pieces of content before talking to your sales team? At Upperscore, we’re big on content, and it’s precisely because of statistics […]

Simple email marketing segmentation strategies

simple segmentation strategies for your email marketing

Simple email marketing segmentation strategies Any self-respecting marketer knows that segmenting your email marketing lists ensures that more people open your emails and click on something. We took a quick look at some user data from Mailchimp, one of the most popular email marketing tools. The data says that segmented campaigns get opened 14.37% more […]

What is Growth Driven Design?

Growh Driven Design

What is Growth driven Design? If you are currently considering a new website or a redesign for your existing one, you may be shuddering from the thought of the last time you went through this. Can you remember how frustrating the process was, and how long you had to wait to see the results? In […]

8 ways to improve your employer brand with content

improve your employer brand with content

8 ways to improve your employer brand with content Growing your organization means that sooner or later, you need to hire people. And even if you’re not growing, you still need to replace people when they leave your team. So employer branding should always be an important part of your recruitment marketing activities. If you […]

How to lay the foundation for marketing automation success

The foundation for marketing automation success

How to lay the foundation for marketing automation success If you’re running a business or leading a marketing team, you may be thinking about automating your marketing and/or operations. If you’re undecided, our blog about why investing in automation should be a priority can be helpful. For now, let’s say you have decided you need to start […]

How do you set up a good lead scoring strategy?

Hoe zet je een goede lead scoring strategie op?

How do you set up a good lead scoring strategy? As we said in one of our previous blog posts: sales and marketing alignment is crucial to find leads and follow them up efficiently. But did you know that lead scoring can help you automate sales and marketing alignment? In addition, it helps you get […]

What’s new at Inbound2022

Inbound 2022 Hubspot

Inbound2022 lies behind us. It was the first live edition sinds corona hit us, but there were digital solutions as well for those who wanted/needed to stay at home. We had to go for the digital platform ourselves because we had a big event at the same time. But even the digital experience was very […]

10 Common Social Media Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

10 veel voorkomende social media fouten

We don’t really need to point out the importance of the Internet. 94% of the Belgian population uses the Internet, and so does the rest of Western Europe. You notice that when you enter any building: there is wifi everywhere, you see screens and laptops wherever you look, and everyone is walking around using a […]